The National Collaborative for Health Equity presents the latest news, articles, events and program highlights to help you stay connected and informed.
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Structural Racism, Health Inequities, and the Two-Edged Sword of Data: Structural Problems Require Structural Solutions
Dr. Gail Christopher Moderates Simmons University Webinar on “Viewing COVID-19 through TRHT Framework”
Dr. Christopher lead panel experts in discussing the inequities seen during COVID-19 through a TRHT Framework. Other panelists included: • José A. Rico, Director Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Greater Chicago • Andrea King...
How Decades of Us Welfare Policies Lifted Up the White Middle Class and Largely Excluded Black Americans
Marguerite Ward Aug 11, 2020, 11:40 AM, (Read...
5 Key Barriers to Health Opportunities for Latinos
by Julia Weis, @WeisJuliaE, Salud America!...
CHE Cook County Team Hosts Upcoming Virtual Forum on Environmental Justice
#DenyThePermit: Public Health, Democracy, & Environmental Racism Virtual Forum - Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 6 p.m. CDT Join the Collaborative for Health Equity (CHE) Cook County and Health & Medicine Policy Research Group during National...
“The health-care industry doesn’t want to talk about this single word,” Ron Wyatt.
Environmental Justice Protects Public Health
Racial Equity Resource Guide
Evanston, Ill., Leads the Country With First Reparations Program for Black Residents
By Mark Guarino; Read...
Dr. Gail Christopher Joins TRHT Leaders in a National TRHT Emergency Town Hall: Responding To Anti-Asian Violence
National TRHT Emergency Town Hall: Responding to Anti-Asian...