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Black Mamas Matter Webinar: Reproductive Injustice: Racial and Gender Discrimination in U.S. Health Care
Black women are facing a maternal health crisis. In 2015, SisterSong partnered with the Center for Reproductive Rights on a human rights report, Reproductive Injustice: Racial and Gender Discrimination in U.S. Health Care. We also co-hosted a...
Mississippi Delta Residents Caught In Vicious Cycle of Persistent Poverty
By Associated Press (Read...
Single-Payer Would Be a Good Start, but Real Health Equity Means Tackling Economic Disparities
By Dana Brown, Truthout The horrifying specter of Trumpcare, the shortfalls of Obamacare and the continued rise in overall health care costs in the United States have provided an important opening for proponents to put single-payer back on the...
Powerful New Video Tackles Racial Bias To Remind Kids Their ‘Black Is Beautiful’
By Lilly Workneh A new video released Monday titled “The Talk” compellingly tackles the impact of racial bias through the lens of black parents in America. The video ― which was released by My Black Is Beautiful, a beauty brand owned by...
REPORT: Black Women Should Be Thriving, But Racism and Sexism
By Kenrya Rankin In 1937, Zora Neal Hurston’s “Their Eyes Were Watching God” made it plain that Black women are the mules of the world. A new study says that, in America at least, nothing has changed. “The Status of Black Women in the...
This Latina Is on a Mission to Bring Healthier, Affordable Food to More Latinx Communities
By Yvette Montoya Todo Verde has come a long way! Jocelyn Ramirez’s mission to fight for the Latino community’s access to affordable, clean foods began with smoothies and has now grown into a full on catering business. Her journey started...
2017 #NABJ Annual Convention & Career Fair
The 2017 NABJ Annual Convention and Career Fair is the premier venue for journalism education and career development for the nation’s leaders in media, business, arts and entertainment, and technology. Over 3,000 of the nation’s top journalists,...
Building Health Equity: From Resources to Community Action
by Elizabeth Hartig - Project Associate, Planning and Community Health Center Research shows that health equity is critical to building a happy, prosperous nation, but that doesn’t mean a one-size-fits-all approach is the answer. Join the Robert...
Study Reveals Race Plays Pivotal Role In How States Dole Out Welfare Benefits
By Tanasia Kenney The amount of cash welfare assistance available to families in poverty and the terms under which they can receive it largely depend on where they live, according to a recent report by the Urban Institute. The report, published...
Environmental Racism Continues to Deny Black People a Chance for a Healthy Community
By Danielle Dorsey There’s a reason why Black communities are most often the hosts for waste and sewage facilities, power plants and land fills. For years, our government got away with dumping in and degrading the environment of urban areas, a...