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‘All You Want Is to Be Believed’: The Impacts of Unconscious Bias in Health Care
By April Dembosky (Read...
Beyond Paper Tigers Conference 2020
Join Us on the Webinar (7/30) – Ending the Triple Pandemic: Advancing Racial Equity by Promoting Health, Economic Opportunity and Criminal Justice Reform
Please join National Collaborative for Health Equity, Trust for America’s Health, American Public Health Association, and the NAACP, on July 30, 2020 at 2:00 pm ET for a congressional briefing titled, Ending the Triple Pandemic: Advancing Racial...
Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation
An Island Amid Mississippi’s Covid Madness
By Makani Themba (Read...
Webinar: Advancing Health Equity During and Beyond COVID-19: Addressing Housing and Homelessness
Dialogue4Health Webinar Friday, 10:30AM – 12:00PM Pacific Time Presenters: Diane Yental, Sue Pechilio Polis, Gregory Miao, Bobby Watts Many Americans struggle to maintain a safe and healthy place to live. People who are housing insecure or...
Bad Apples Come From Rotten Trees In Policing
By Rashawn Ray (Read...
Racism Is a Health Crisis. Why Aren’t We Treating It Like One?
By Healthline (Health News) (Read...
Why Is COVID-19 Killing So Many Black Americans
By Andrea Collier (Read...
Latinx Unemployment Is Highest of All Racial and Ethnic Groups for the First Time on Record
By Natalie Spievack, Jorge González, Steven Brown Since the national emergency declaration for COVID-19, more than 33 million Americans have filed for unemployment insurance, and economic forecasts place the United States on the path to...