On behalf of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the National Health Law Program, the National Partnership for Women & Families, and the 234 organizations signed on to the attached letter, we urge you to oppose the Graham-Cassidy proposal (Graham-Cassidy). This proposal will eliminate affordable quality health care for millions of Americans by gutting the Affordable Care Act (ACA); slash federal funding and destroy Medicaid by turning its funding into per capita caps; eliminate the Medicaid expansion; and defund Planned Parenthood health centers. Graham-Cassidy would leave tens of millions of people in the United States significantly worse off than under current law. Without a full score from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), we do not yet have a complete understanding of the full devastation that Graham-Cassidy would bring, but what we do know is more than enough for all our organizations to unequivocally oppose this bill. We strongly urge you to oppose the Graham-Cassidy proposal and urge Congress to instead move forward with bipartisan efforts on market stabilization and other critical issues to improve access to affordable health care for all people in the United States.
Please also be aware that The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights will be scoring Senators’ vote on the Graham-Cassidy proposal in its Voting Record for the 115th Congress.