The Health Equity and Leadership Exchange Network (HELEN) presents: Health Equity and the Impact of the 2014 Mid-Term Elections. The webinar provides current and prospective HELEN members and supporters from around the country a unique opportunity to come together and learn, discuss and ask questions about the the recent 2014 Mid-Term Elections and its impact on Health Equity.
The virtual platform will provide a comprehensive overview of the Mid-Term Election, including implications for ACA and other health related laws, policies and programs. Speakers include Dr. David Bositis, Political Consultant and other special guests who will offer their insight and expertise on this topic. Hosted by Brian D. Smedley, PhD, Co-founder and Executive Director, National Collaborative for Health Equity, and Daniel E. Dawes, JD, Executive Director of Health Policy & External Affairs, Morehouse School of Medicine.
View the presentations here.