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People of Color Face Disproportionate Pandemic-Related Financial Stress
By Michelle Fox, CNBC This story originally ran on CNBC. (Read...
Racial Healing For Ourselves, Our Communities and Our Future
TRHT video for the CBCF panel
Health Equity Guide – A Human Impact Partners Project is a resource with inspiring examples of how health departments have concretely advanced health equity — both internally within their departments and externally with communities and other government agencies. About the...
A Neighborhood’s Race Affects Home Values More Now Than in 1980
By Brentin Mock U.S. fair housing laws passed in the 1960s and ‘70s were supposed to help bring racial parity to a housing market that since its beginning confined Black homebuyers to the cheapest forms of housing in the most undesirable...
Cost Of Racism: U.S. Economy Lost $16 Trillion Because Of Discrimination, Bank Says
By Adedayo Akala (Read...
As Pandemic Deaths Add Up, Racial Disparities Persist — And In Some Cases Worsen
Dr. Gail Christopher Speaks on Racial Healing in Reconciliation Panel Discussion
On September 14, 2020, Dr. Gail Christopher spoke on Racial Healing on Office of Community Empowerment & Opportunity's Panel, Reconciliation: Learning from the Past to Heal America’s...
Moving Beyond Diversity Toward Racial Equity
By Ben Hecht (Read...
The Role Of Racial Justice In Building A Culture Of Health
By Alonzo Plough, Gail C. Christopher (Read full...