Our Work
At the NCHE, our goal is to change the course of racial inequality and the health inequities that come as its result. To that end, our variety of programs use many different methods to ensure that people of color have equal opportunity for healthy lives.
Culture of Health Leaders
Co-led by the National Collaborative for Health Equity (NCHE) and CommonHealth ACTION (CHA) the Culture of Health Leadership Program, one of four new RWJF national programs, will develop leaders to promote a national Culture of Health.
Culture of Health Leadership Institute for Racial Healing
The Culture of Health Leadership Institute for Racial Healing is an 18-month leadership experience supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that uses the Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) framework to strengthen the ecosystem of practitioners who are advancing racial and health equity in their work.
Heart of America Annual Survey: A Call for Unity and the Power of Racial Healing
Co-led by the National Collaborative for Health Equity (NCHE) and CommonHealth ACTION (CHA) the Culture of Health Leadership Program, one of four new RWJF national programs, will develop leaders to promote a national Culture of Health.
Health Equity Leadership & Exchange Network (HELEN)
The Health Equity Leadership & Exchange Network (HELEN) is a collaborative effort between the National REACH Coalition, Morehouse School of Medicine, and the National Collaborative for Health Equity.
HELEN is funded by generous grants from DentaQuest, AETNA and WellCare.
The Health Opportunity and Equity (HOPE) Initiative
Many people of color, people with low incomes, and those in low-income communities face poorer health relative to national averages across the life cycle: beginning at birth, in the form of higher rates of poor birth outcomes and infant mortality; persisting through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, with higher rates of chronic and infectious disease and disability; and concluding at the end of life with shortened life spans.
2nd Annual Heart of America National Poll: The Power of Racial Healing
Collaboratives for Health Equity (CHE)
The Collaborative for Health Equity (CHE), formerly Place Matters, is a national initiative designed to empower leaders and communities to identify and address social, economic, and environmental conditions that shape health and life opportunities. We want to help community leaders make their towns and cities better places and healthier places to live. CHE is funded by a generous grant from the W.K.Kellogg Foundation.
Building the Capacity of Public Health to Advance Equity
The National Collaborative for Health Equity (NCHE) and Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University (Milken Institute SPH) of Washington, DC; along with Prevention Institute (PI) of Oakland, Calif., will take stock of existing public health departments’ practices and policies relevant to equity, community engagement, and social determinants of health. Using this data, they will identify opportunities and strategies that health departments can employ to advance racial, social, and health equity.