The Lung Cancer Allinace has launched a Congressional Briefing Series as a platform to educate Members of Congress and Congressional staff on issues related to lung cancer. During the briefing series, they will provide substantive, fact-based information through speakers and materials which focus on raising awareness and informing key decision makers about the current state of lung cancer in the United States and worldwide.
The Congressional Briefing Series will focus on important topics such as increasing survivorship, showing the value of federally funded lung cancer research, supporting preventive screening efforts, highlighting new and emerging breakthroughs, understanding lung cancer among our military service members and ensuring equitable access to preventive screening, treatments, diagnostics and testing.
All briefings will take place on Capitol Hill and are open to anyone who wishes to attend. Please check back regularly as details are finalized.
Congressional Briefing Series Details:
- Stigma: The Impact on Public Health and Public Health Policy (March 2, 2016, B-354 Rayburn House Building)
- Women and Lung Cancer (date and location TBD)
- Impact of Lung Cancer on Underserved Populations (date and location TBD)
- Impact of Lung Cancer on Veterans: How to Better Support Our At-Risk Military Men & Women (date and location TBD)
Please contact your Representatives today and encourage them to attend these important educational briefings. To find your Representative, visit