COVID-19 Exposes Deep Systemic Barriers
The goal of NCHE’s Racial Equity & Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) is to jettison the false belief in the hierarchy of human value; while committing to transforming our culture into one that honors all equally.
NCHE’s racial equity and racial healing initiatives seek to build on national and local efforts, to tell the truth about our pasts to provide a foundation for charting our futures. They provide support and a framework for ongoing racial equity/racial healing activities, recognizing that lasting racial equity and racial healing are inextricably woven together.
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation has released tools to assist with the national and community-based TRHT plans such as the TRHT implementation guidebook. This guidebook will assist individuals, organizations, communities, and First Nations in planning, implementing and evaluating the Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation efforts.
National Day of Racial Healing
The National Collaborative for Health Equity (NCHE) is pleased to celebrate the 8th annual National Day of Racial Healing. We applaud the efforts of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation and the many organizations and individuals that continue to participate and amplify the value of reaching out across racial, ethnic, and other perceived differences to embrace our shared humanity. As part of our commemoration this year, NCHE is releasing five new publications:
- 21st-Century Narrative Change with Focus on Social Media, written by Amy Sprecher and Aaliytha Stevens, Co-founders Building CommUnity LLC
- Facilitating Social Transformation Through Self and Collective Healing: A Collection of Insights, Resources, and Practices, written by Colette Rausch, Director, Neuroscience and Peacebuilding, Think Peace, and Laura Webber, Convener, Think Peace Learning and Support Hub
- Toward Transformative Reparations, written by Rob Corcoran, Program Design & Training Consultant, Initiatives of Change International, and Mike Wenger, Senior Fellow, American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
- Segregation Yesterday and Today: Exploring Possibilities for Systemic Change, written by Susan Eaton, Professor of Practice & Director, The Sillerman Center, The Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University
- The Economic Wellbeing of Black Americans and the Implications for Health Equity, written by Darrell J. Gaskins, PhD, MS, William C. and Nancy F. Richardson, Professor in Health Policy and Director, Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions, Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins School of Management and Public Health.
- Law as an Agent of Social Change, written by Dennis Parker, Executive Director of the National Center for Law and Economic Justice.
These briefs are free and can be downloaded by clicking on the images below.
Truth Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) Policy Briefs
(Click the image for the full policy paper)
We are also excited to release, in partnership with Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publications and the Journal of Health Equity, a roundtable discussion hosted by NCHE’s Executive Director, Dr. Gail Christopher, and featuring the following experts:
- Brian Smedley, Senior Fellow at The Urban Institute
- Former Attorney General Mark Herring, Partner at Atkin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
- Mike Wenger, Senior Fellow at AAC&U
- Susan Eaton, Professor of Practice & Director, The Sillerman Center, The Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University
- Heather McGhee, renowned thought leader and award-winning author of The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together
Each expert has done exemplary work to help change the narrative and achieve racial justice and health equity. The roundtable discussion highlights the results of NCHE’s first Heart of America Annual Survey, which revealed that the majority of Americans want to heal from our nation’s past, and almost a third believe that relationship building is critical to help our country see each other through the lens of our shared humanity. The movement is growing. Communities are healing. We are becoming a healthier nation.
TRHT Legacy Places: 15 multi-sector collaborations in different locations across the United States that are participating in the TRHT initiative. They work to replace the belief system that fuels racism with one that sees the inherent value of all people.
Mapping Support for Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation
This map, created in partnership with the Truth Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) Movement, serves as a living resource for information on various organizations and initiatives committed to racial equity. It includes data from TRHT Movement Organizations, Transitional Justice Initiatives in the United States (NESL/MHC), and Congressional support for TRHT. The map is regularly updated and provides an interactive way to visualize the work being done in the field of racial healing and transformation across the United States.