HELEN webinar: “Paying for Quality: What is the Impact on Health Equity?”

Articles, Events | May 20 2016

HELEN Webinar – Thursday, June 2, 2016

On May 9th, CMS released its much anticipated proposed rule to implement MACRA and gave stakeholders until June 27, 2016 to submit public comments.  In order to better inform HELEN members as to the potential impacts of the proposed rule on health equity, we have teamed up with the Transdisciplinary Collaborative Center (TCC) for Health Disparities Research at Morehouse School of Medicine to hold an informative webinar on the issue. The webinar will apply a health equity lens to the proposed rule and discuss the impacts of specific provisions on the elimination of health disparities in underserved populations.

Learning Objectives:

  • Distinguish between the concepts of improving overall quality and eliminating health disparities in underserved populations
  • Identify provisions of the MACRA proposed rule that will advance health equity
  • Assess the practical implications of the health equity provisions of the MACRA proposed rule

Please click here for more information.