Reviewer FAQs
Reviewer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Where can I find the link to the Reviewer Webinar?
A: You can access the Culture of Health Leadership Institute for Racial Healing reviewer training recording here. This webinar provides an overview of the review process, including the scoring rubric and process for submitting reviews.
Q: What is meant by the criteria “personal or community healing?”
A: There was a question on the application that asked folks to speak towards what are their own personal practices for healing, whether that’s yoga, meditation, or any other personal practice that keeps them centered and grounded in the work, because as we all know, this work can wear you down. So really getting a sense of how program participants already think about their own healing and then connect to that.
Q: How do we talk, and think about communal healing?
A: In your work with the community, how are you embedding healing into the work that you’re doing and how are you thinking about that?
You’ll be assessing what is their sense of their own personal practice and how do they embed that into the larger work they do in the community.
Q: If I already have a Google Drive, can we just give you the address and information can be sent to our own personal Google Drive or do we have to have a separate one?
A: You may use your own personal Google Drive. You will receive a link to Google Drive, you’ll open it up and you’ll have all your documents there and you can add that folder to your own personal Google Drive.
Q: After we have completed the reviews, are we also eligible in the future to apply to the program?
A: As long as you’re not serving as a reviewer or reference for anyone in the next cycle of the program, then you would be eligible to apply.
Q: How much time should be set aside per application?
A: Since some of the applications have videos and other items we’re estimating that the time for reviewing the applications and filling out the surveys should take about 1.5 to two hours per application.
With three to four applications each, that’s 6 to 8 hours that you should set aside over the three weeks of the review period.
Q: If in the event there is a technical glitch with the application process, is there an email that we should contact for assistance?
A: Yes, if you have any questions or technical issues, please email [email protected].
Q: Once all of the applications are scored, how long after that will each applicant be notified that they receive this award?
A: After the applications are reviewed by reviewers, the following week, the program staff will be going through and deciding the 60 people who will receive an email in mid to late February that they’ve been invited to interview. From those 60, 40 will be notified in April about whether they’re in the program or not and the program will start in May.
Q: Is our participation limited to just the review? Are there other opportunities for us to be involved in this great program?
A: We are always open to ways that we can keep you all engaged as we know many of you are experts who have expertise around some of the pillars in the TRHT framework. The possibility of interview participation is definitely open as we’ll need some people for that.
Q: Will a direct link to the application be provided to reviewers?
A: There will be a PDF of the application that will be in your Google Drive folder.
Q: Will there be additional opportunities to be engaged in this program such as giving presentations, participating in panels, or sharing books? Have there been other ways that people who have expertise in this field have been able to participate?
A: We’ve been very generous about engaging people in this work over the years. We are always looking for more ways to keep people engaged.
We will be looking for speakers and panelists throughout the program.
We’ll continue to think through how our reviewers might play some of these or other roles. We have a national advisory committee as well that’s gonna be helping out.
As we continue to flesh out where different folks might have an impact, we’ll definitely reach out. If there are any resources that you believe may be useful to our participants, I encourage you to shoot us an email with any of those ideas as they may be useful in the program curriculum.
Q: Is there an opportunity or consideration of a scoring collaboration, where as a group we come together to score applications and discuss the scoring?
A: That’s not something that we do in this portion of the application process. Everyone will be scoring their applicants independently from each other.
The program staff will be taking all the review materials that you all will send us and we and some of our partners will be discussing who we think should move forward. Then during the interview process, interviewers do have that collaboration process to discuss what they saw from the interviews, what they liked about a candidate, and what might be some questions.
Q: Is there a section to write notes or comments in addition to the quantitative numbers?
A: Yes, the last section of the scoring rubric has two open-ended questions.
The first question is “Do you think this candidate would be a good fit for the program essentially?” Here you will leave some comments about whether you think they’re a good fit and why.
The second open-ended question is “Are there any questions that you have about an applicant that you would want us to highlight or answer?” Should they advance to the interview round?”
Q: When completing the reviews, is it possible to save and go back to finish later?
A: We recommend you complete it all in one shot. The survey does allow for editing responses but we suggest that you complete the survey for each candidate all in one sitting to ensure that everything goes through.
Q: Does NCHE have a newsletter?
A: We do have an email newsletter that goes out periodically, sometimes we highlight some of the work that we’re doing in communities and our partners as well as some of the milestones of our participants and some current events that are happening around critical race theory and other racial inequity.
You can subscribe to the newsletter on our website at
Q: Are you able to demonstrate what tool we will be using to evaluate the application on Google Drive to get a sense of what that looks like?
A: Yes, we can demonstrate that for you.
What is New Venture Fund (NVF) in relation to the National Collaborative for Health Equity (NCHE)?
Since 2014, NVF has served as the NCHE’s fiscal sponsor. The National Collaborative for Health Equity is the National Program Center for the Culture of Health Leaders program and the Culture of Health Leadership Institute for Racial Healing. NVF provides operational expertise and support to NCHE and other change leaders to optimize their resources to achieve greater impact—and free them to devote their talents to driving change. NVF will be responsible for processing payments for the program awards, reimbursements, and invoices to the Culture of Health Leadership Institute for Racial Healing participants.
If I have additional questions that were not answered above, who should I contact?
You can send us an email at [email protected]