History & Mission
Founded in 2014, NCHE aims to promote health and racial equity. Our key strategies are (1) Leadership, (2) Applying Data Research and Information, and (3) Supporting and Expanding the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Movement.
NCHE, formerly known as the Health Policy Institute, supports many of the programs and initiatives incubated over many years at the Health Policy Institute of the Joint Center for Political & Economics Studies while also working to develop new initiatives to advance the health and racial equity movement and to leverage its 20+ year history as a national convener and coalition builder.
NCHE equips institutions and leaders from historically marginalized and excluded communities with tools to improve the social, economic, and environmental conditions that shape health. These tools include leadership development, policy analysis, data mining and analysis, and community organizing and mobilization to address a range of issues that are the ultimate determinants of health. We are committed to addressing the deep racial and ethnic health inequities that persist largely due to structural and institutional racism and exclusion.
NCHE’s vision is embodied in our name. We work in collaboration with others to help our nation achieve health equity. Our three key strategies are (1) Leadership (2) Applying Data Research and Information (3) TRHT Movement Support and Expansion.