Velisa L. Perry is a highly organized and dedicated executive director of the United Health Organization. Working closely with many social foundations and community organizations, she tackles key issues related to oral health that will improve overall health, counter racism, and eliminate social determinants of health. Velisa believes that a healthy nation mustn’t choose who needs help.
Velisa always says, “When the world gets a cold, Detroit gets pneumonia.” For example, African Americans and other people of color in Detroit were disproportionately affected by COVID-19 because of a lack of resources and reliable information.
At the United Health Organization, one of Velisa’s key achievements was to continue to be a supportive force in bringing the initiative Project Healthy Living (PHL) to the communities, a nine-county mobile “pop-up” service offering comprehensive preventative health screening events. The service was provided at over 45 requested locations in approximately 10 weeks.
A very significant program to Velisa is when she partnered with a like-minded organization to create an initiative of the three-year run program Helping Our oWn (HOW). The HOW program aims to bring healthcare, dental care, showers, hot food, clothing, barbers, beauticians, nail technicians, local entertainment, and over thirty other organizations offering resources to those who are homeless. Velisa believes we are responsible for the least of them.