Syda Segovia  Taylor 's profile photo

Syda Segovia Taylor

Founder/Executive Director, Organic Onenesss

Syda Segovia  Taylor 's profile photo
Location: Chicago, IL
Start Year: 2023
TRHT Pillar: Racial Healing and Relationship Building


Syda Segovia Taylor has 25 years of nonprofit experience working with Black and Latino youth and families in Chicago. She is the founder and executive director of Organic Oneness, a nonprofit organization that promotes racial and environmental justice and healing. 

Syda received her M.A. in community development and social justice from Loyola University, and a B.S. in kinesiology: community health/fitness from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Syda also received a Youth Development Practitioner Certification from the Chicago Area Project, and an Advocacy Training Certificate from the Chicago Foundation for Women.

She began her journey as a dancer and education/health teacher, which led to directing programs for children and families at city agencies and high-profile nonprofits. During her time as an education program officer with Local Initiative Support Corporation, she won the Together for Tomorrow award from the U.S. Department of Education under the Obama administration. She was also recognized by the mayor of Chicago for her accomplishments with the national Elev8 initiative. In 2016, she convened the Be the Healing Initiative with Dr. Joy DeGruy and a multitude of organizations to address racism, trauma and violence in Chicago. Syda concluded her institutional role with Chicago Public Schools as the Family and Community Engagement in Education (FACE2) Manager and began her journey with Organic Oneness in 2020. This allows her to nurture the racial justice and healing work she has executed in her spare time since 1998.

Future Focus

Organic Oneness believes everyone has a crucial part in building a truthful, just and unified society. Its mode of operation with youth, families, communities and institutions is to learn, plan, act and reflect together to co-create solutions. Through each phase, it utilizes the Bahá’í framework of consultation, a universal nonadversarial process understood as a collective search for truth. It is a collective verbal exchange of thoughts, experiences and wisdom to make decisions and advise activities involving who has information, who has to implement and who is impacted by the decisions. Organic Oneness’ hope is to deepen its knowledge on how to effectively implement this process on all levels and provide training for others that are interested in a collective search for truth. 

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Culture of Health Leaders Institute for Racial Healing

A Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Program