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Lisa Boudreau

Policy Advisory Council Member, Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI)

Lisa Boudreau's profile photo
Location: St. Louis, MO
Start Year: 2022
TRHT Pillar: Law


Lisa Boudreau is a lived experience and professional policy advocate. She has 18 years of experience working on child welfare and maternal-child health policy. She believes that policymakers must build greater support for proximate leaders who can create policy solutions that are both sustainable and transformative, and that we can be more intentional about fully tapping human potential by putting our most marginalized people in positions of power and leadership with decision-making authority, leading to a more just and equitable world for all children.

Since 2001, Lisa has been focused on raising the awareness of federal policymakers about the needs and unique perspectives of children and youth in foster care, and of families facing the barriers and institutions that put their children at risk of entering foster care.

Lisa is currently an appointed, volunteer policy advisory council member for the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that supports Congress’ Adoption Caucus with the information and resources needed to hear direct experiences of those affected by child welfare policy, become engaged in this issue, and work to bring about legislative improvements for children and families.

Lisa is also the director of Advocacy and Strategic Messaging at Parents as Teachers National Center, where she advocates for state and federal policy that addresses a wide range of maternal-infant and parenting support services that address key social determinants of health and promote family and community strengthening. One of her main roles is to train and support lay advocates to participate in policymaking.

Future Focus

Lisa hopes to move forward with the work of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute Foster Youth Internship (FYI) Program, a congressional internship for young adults who spent their formative years in foster care. Lisa participated in the program 20 years ago and now serves on the policy advisory council in a volunteer capacity. Each cohort works in the offices of members of Congress, and develops and presents policy recommendations. The program is a platform for youth with lived experiences and provides resources, access, and the power to change the system. Policy recommendations arising from this group often become law and address the structural changes needed to have a long-term impact on children and families who are currently disproportionately represented in the system.

Post-Institute: Transformative Action Plans

Lisa plans to ground experienced advocates leading policy change in DC in the TRHT strategic framework to help facilitate larger policy transformative recommendations. She hopes that a community-driven public health and human service anti-racist policy transformative process can focus on what the Families First Prevention Services Act lacks. Specifically, she hopes it can focus on concrete and economic support to improve family well-being and child outcomes, such as a no-strings-attached basic income or permanent child tax credit.

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