LC Johnson's profile photo

LC Johnson

Founder & CEO, Zora's House

LC Johnson's profile photo
Location: Columbus, OH
Start Year: 2022
TRHT Pillar: Racial Healing and Relationship Building


LC Johnson is an award-winning writer, entrepreneur, and activist with a passion for empowering women, especially women of color (WOC). After graduating from Duke University in 2010 with a degree in Women’s Studies, she immediately began a career in the nonprofit sector, seeking out a range of opportunities that mirrored her passion for racial equity, gender equity, and entrepreneurship.

Ten years into her journey as a dynamic, creative, and committed social justice professional with a well-established entrepreneurial spirit, LC has deep experience in curriculum development and facilitation, nonprofit program design, entrepreneurship, public speaking, and community building. She is a recognized subject matter expert whose work and writings on the topic of race and gender have appeared in outlets such as Forbes Magazine, Huffington Post, and Black Enterprise.

Most notably, LC is the founder and CEO of Zora’s House—a coworking space and leadership incubator created by and for WOC. She has been recognized in her community as a “40 under 40” and “Columbus Future 50” leader. In her non-existent free time, LC enjoys reading Afrofuturistic novels; hiking with her hubby, two kiddos, and mutt; and EATING ALL OF THE THINGS.

Future Focus

Zora’s House is a cooperatively run coworking space and leadership incubator rooted in the simple but radical idea that the lives of WOC matter, and that our lives, our relationships, our families, our communities, and our nation as a whole can be reborn by the act of living our truths, sharing our gifts, and supporting one another as we strive for personal and collective liberation.

Zora’s House offers shared coworking/community space and culturally competent, trauma-informed programming, and leverages our platform and resources on behalf of WOC dreaming, creating, leading, and collaborating in our community. As one of very few nonprofits created by, led by, shaped by, and centering WOC, Zora’s House works to dismantle barriers and heal wounds of systemic racism and sexism.

In her current work to design a city that listens to women of color+ (WOC+), LC plans to bring WOC+ to the table as co-creators of their city’s policies, programs, and initiatives. She hopes to imbed their lived experiences at every level of the design and decision-making process.

Post-Institute: Transformative Action Plans

Some milestones she hopes to reach include creating a curriculum that will equip WOC+ with design tools and recruiting a community partner to co-design a pilot curriculum.

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Culture of Health Leaders Institute for Racial Healing

A Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Program