Alexandria Brown is a Health Insurance Specialist at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). She received her MPH at Virginia Commonwealth University and will attend Harvard’s Master of Bioethics program in Fall 2022. Her research focuses on understanding how social environments impact overall well-being, specifically for underserved populations. She collaborates with community partners in analyzing data to explore racial and health disparities within Richmond’s unhoused population.
Alexandra is excited about deepening her understanding of how social environments influence health. She plans to use the Culture of Health Leadership Institute to bolster her current research interest in how chronic stressors impact health outcomes, specifically as it relates to Black women’s unique intersection of gender and race. Additionally, Alex will use the program to support her Presidential Management Fellowship (PMF) at the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in learning how to be a compassionate leader in the public sector.
Post-Institute: Transformative Action Plans
Alexandria is addressing racial and health disparities within Richmond’s unhoused population by integrating the TRHT framework to build a sustainable network of partnerships and resources to address housing instability, improve health outcome and quality of life, and guide policy decisions.