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Culture of Health Leaders 2020 Reviewer Recruitment
Culture of Health Leaders Reviewer Job Description
The Culture of Health Leaders program is a three-year leadership development opportunity for individuals from all walks of life who are committed to learning, leading, and collaborating with organizations, communities, systems, and policymakers to build a Culture of Health that enables everyone in America to live longer, healthier lives. We strive to broaden the individuals and communities building a Culture of Health and looking to attract both traditional and unconventional leaders. Culture of Health Leaders work in the public, private and nonprofit sectors in a variety of fields including technology, business, education, housing, transportation, health, the arts, and countless other disciplines. Our program is based on evidence, informed by experience, and grounded in principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice. Through this program, our leaders will be prepared to collaborate and provide transformative leadership to address health equity in their communities.
The Culture of Health Leaders National Program Center is seeking application reviewers to assist in the selection of the 2020 cohort of the program. Applications will be reviewed in multiple rounds from late-February 2020 through April 2020 using the program’s online application and review system.
Reviewers must have an understanding of equity, diversity and inclusion issues, as well as knowledge of the social determinants of health, cross-sector work, and leadership development principles.
Reviewers will be required to watch a series of short training videos prior to being assigned reviews and must commit to a minimum of 40 reviews (approximately 20 hours over two weeks). Individuals selected to participate in the review process will be paid $25-35 for each submitted review, based on the review round.
Apply to be a reviewer by submitting the application available at this link by Wednesday, January 15th, 2020. Selected reviewers will be notified by January 31st, 2020.
About Culture of Health Leaders:
Culture of Health Leaders is a leadership development opportunity for people working in every field and profession who want to use their influence to advance health and equity. Our leaders’ innovation helps build a Culture of Health, one that enables everyone in America to live longer, healthier lives. Through
this program, our leaders will be prepared to collaborate and provide transformative leadership to address health equity in their communities.