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Alexandra Arrington

Co-Founder/Executive Director (Money Magnets Club), Principal (Alexandra Arrington Consulting)

Alexandra Arrington's profile photo
Location: Pineville, NC
Start Year: 2023
TRHT Pillar: Separation


Alexandra Arrington is a devoted partner, mother of three precious beings and principal consultant of Alexandra Arrington Consulting—an organizational effectiveness firm focused on creating space for minoritized people. She is co-founder of the Money Magnets Club, a community for elementary-aged “kidpreneurs-in-training” and their responsible adults to experience principles and practices of entrepreneurship as a gateway to financial independence and economic mobility. She has degrees in interpersonal/organizational communication and African-American studies, a master’s degree in counseling, and a doctorate in organizational leadership with expertise in culture and practices of Black-led, Black-benefiting organizations.

She is a provisionally licensed mental health counselor who has curated an ethic of care that has resulted in work over the span of her career as an executive director of a justice system and a financial literacy/ entrepreneurship nonprofit, a career counselor, in local organizing as a community impact director, a lead trainer for a community-based digital inclusion effort, an HBCU adjunct faculty member, and a racial equity consultant/trainer. The racial healing work is apparent in working in ways that are conducive to living an integrated life, bringing people together across socioeconomic and digital divides, and working to help people acquire the resources and means to live the lives they want to live. These convergences that Alexandra has found herself in, with gratitude and purpose, serve to promote racial healing, encourage community uplift, and mobilize economic prospects of Black and Brown families in Charlotte, North Carolina metro area.


Future Focus

Through teaching wealth-building, Alexandra is working to change the trajectory of kids with low statistical probability of escaping poverty. She hopes to disrupt economic immobility by collaboratively designing a comprehensive model for programming/services to help kids acquire assets and boost incomes early, particularly in vibrant geographical areas of Charlotte, North Carolina, that have been economically depressed. She is excited about entrepreneurship and financial literacy as knowledge-building platforms, felling walls of segregation, and vying for policy that provides material resources to kids. She is looking to launch a pilot, with a research component, in 2023. She is looking forward to locking arms and closing ranks on difficult issues like systemic economic inequity, and learning from the wisdom of the CoHLI cohorts to promote racial healing and justice.





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Culture of Health Leaders Institute for Racial Healing

A Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Program