The Fall 2022 issue of the #EquityandData Newsletter is now available! A year after the release of the National Commission to Transform Public Health Data Commission’s recommendations, a look at grantee spotlights, highlights from the TPHD Population-Specific Expert Panels, policy updates, and more.
The #EquityandData Newsletter is now available! The newsletter was developed to raise awareness of work related to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s National Commission to Transform Public Health Data Systems. There are relevant news articles, highlights from grantee initiatives that are aligned with the Commission’s recommendations, upcoming events, and more.
A new Grantmakers In Health (GIH) supplement on health equity innovations, just released in the latest issue of the Stanford Social Innovation Review. Sponsored by the Aetna Foundation, the supplement lifts up new voices and shares ideas for building healthy, equitable, and sustainable communities and tackling the root causes of unequal health outcomes.